Mon 12 AprDisplayed time zone: Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil change
09:00 - 09:15 | |||
09:00 15mDay opening | Welcome and Opening Message A-MOST |
09:00 - 09:15 | |||
09:00 15mDay opening | Welcome and Opening Message ITEQS Mehrdad Saadatmand RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Dragos Truscan Åbo Akademi University, Eduard Paul Enoiu Mälardalen University |
09:00 - 09:15 | |||
09:00 15mDay opening | Welcome and Opening Message IWCT Dimitris Simos SBA Research |
09:00 - 09:10 | |||
09:00 10mDay opening | Welcome Mutation |
09:10 - 10:00 | |||
09:10 50mKeynote | Mutation for Compiler Testing Mutation Dan Hao Peking University, China |
09:15 - 10:15 | |||
09:15 60mKeynote | Nobody cares about models, but everybody wants automation A-MOST Jeff Offutt George Mason University |
09:15 - 10:15 | |||
09:15 60mKeynote | Keynote: Security Testing and Resilience ITEQS |
09:15 - 10:15 | |||
09:15 30mPaper | A Combinatorial Approach to Explaining Image Classifiers IWCT Jaganmohan Chandrasekaran University of Texas at Arlington, USA, Yu Lei , Raghu Kacker National Institute of Standards and Technology, Rick Kuhn National Institute of Standards and Technology | ||
09:45 15mShort-paper | Combinatorial Testing Metrics for Machine Learning IWCT Erin Lanus Virginia Tech, Laura Freeman , Rick Kuhn National Institute of Standards and Technology, Raghu Kacker National Institute of Standards and Technology | ||
10:00 15mShort-paper | Computing Sequence Covering Arrays using Unified Combinatorial Interaction Testing IWCT |
09:30 - 09:40 | Welcome and Opening MessageAIST at Muro Alto Chair(s): Alexandra Mendes HASLab/INESC TEC & Universidade da Beira Interior | ||
09:30 10mDay opening | Welcome and Opening Message AIST |
09:40 - 10:40 | Keynote TalkAIST at Muro Alto Chair(s): Alexandra Mendes HASLab/INESC TEC & Universidade da Beira Interior | ||
09:40 60mKeynote | Learning How to Test - Generating Context-Infused Test Cases AIST |
10:00 - 10:50 | |||
10:00 16mShort-paper | Efficiently Sampling Higher Order Mutants Using Causal Effect Mutation Saeyoon Oh Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Seongmin Lee Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Shin Yoo Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | ||
10:16 16mFull-paper | Inducing Subtle Mutations with Program RepairBest Paper Award Mutation Florian Schwander , Rahul Gopinath CISPA, Germany, Andreas Zeller CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security | ||
10:33 16mShort-paper | Automatic Equivalent Mutants Classification Using Abstract Syntax Tree Neural Networks Mutation Samuel Peacock Towson University, Lin Deng Towson University, Josh Dehlinger Towson University, Suranjan Chakraborty Towson University |
10:30 - 11:30 | |||
10:30 30mFull-paper | Software Defects Rules Discovery ITEQS A: Andreea Vescan Babes-Bolyai University, A: Camelia Serban Department of Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai University, A: Gloria Cerasela Crisan "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacau | ||
11:00 30mFull-paper | Online GANs for Automatic Performance Testing ITEQS A: Ivan Porres Åbo Akademi University, Hergys Rexha Åbo Akademi University, Sebastien Lafond Åbo Akademi University |
10:45 - 11:15 | |||
10:45 30mPaper | Estimating costs for adopting and using Model-Based Testing in Agile SCRUM teams A-MOST |
10:45 - 11:45 | |||
10:45 30mPaper | A Combinatorial Approach to Testing Deep Neural Network-based Autonomous Driving Systems IWCT Jaganmohan Chandrasekaran University of Texas at Arlington, USA, Yu Lei , Raghu Kacker National Institute of Standards and Technology, Rick Kuhn National Institute of Standards and Technology | ||
11:15 30mPaper | SYSMODIS: A Systematic Model Discovery Approach IWCT |
11:00 - 12:20 | |||
11:00 30mPaper | Agents for Automated User Experience Testing AIST DOI Pre-print Media Attached | ||
11:30 30mPaper | DeepRace: A learning-based data race detector AIST | ||
12:00 20mPaper | An Agent-based Architecture for AI-Enhanced Automated Testing for XR Systems AIST Wishnu Prasetya Utrecht University, Samira Shirzadehhajimahmood , Saba Gholizadeh Ansari Utrecht University, Rui Prada Universidade de Lisboa, Pedro Fernandes Universidade de Lisboa Pre-print Media Attached |
11:00 - 11:50 | |||
11:00 50mKeynote | What It Would Take to Use Mutation Testing in Industry? Mutation Moritz Beller Facebook, USA |
11:15 - 11:45 | |||
11:15 30mPaper | Process mining on a robotic mechanism A-MOST |
11:45 - 12:45 | |||
11:45 30mFull-paper | Assuring Fairness of Algorithmic Decision Making ITEQS A: Marc Hauer TU Kaiserslautern - Algorithm Accountability Lab , A: Rasmus Adler Fraunhofer IESE, A: Katharina Zweig TU Kaiserslautern - Algorithm Accountability Lab | ||
12:15 30mFull-paper | Enabling Fast Exploration and Validation of Thermal Dissipation Requirements for Heterogeneous CPU Platforms ITEQS A: Joel Öhrling Abo Akademi University, A: Dragos Truscan Åbo Akademi University, A: Sebastien Lafond Åbo Akademi University |
11:50 - 12:00 | |||
11:50 10mAwards | Award Announcement Mutation Jie M. Zhang University College London, UK |
12:00 - 12:30 | |||
12:00 15mShort-paper | Random Selection Might Just be Indomitable Mutation | ||
12:15 15mShort-paper | MutantBench: an Equivalent Mutant Problem Comparison Framework Mutation |
12:30 - 12:45 | |||
12:30 15mDay closing | Concluding Remarks Mutation |
12:45 - 13:00 | |||
12:45 15mDay closing | Best paper award and closing ITEQS Mehrdad Saadatmand RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Dragos Truscan Åbo Akademi University, Eduard Paul Enoiu Mälardalen University |
12:45 - 14:00 | |||
12:45 15mShort-paper | A Practical Method for API Testing in the Context of Continuous Delivery and Behavior Driven Development IWCT | ||
13:00 30mPaper | An environment for benchmarking combinatorial test suite generators IWCT Andrea Bombarda University of Bergamo, Edoardo Crippa University of Bergamo, Angelo Gargantini University of Bergamo Pre-print | ||
13:30 30mPaper | Combinatorially XSSing Web Application Firewalls IWCT Bernhard Garn , Daniel Sebastian Lang , Manuel Leithner , Rick Kuhn National Institute of Standards and Technology, Raghu Kacker National Institute of Standards and Technology, Dimitris Simos SBA Research |
13:00 - 13:30 | |||
13:00 30mPaper | Test Sequence Generation with Cayley Graphs A-MOST Sylvain Hallé Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Raphael Khoury Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada |
13:30 - 14:30 | |||
13:30 60mKeynote | Model-Based Testing and Model-Learning for Variability-Intensive Systems A-MOST Mohammad Mousavi University of Leicester, UK |
13:30 - 14:50 | |||
13:30 30mPaper | Prioritized Test Generation Guided by SoftwareFault Prediction AIST | ||
14:00 30mPaper | Supervised Learning for Test Suit Selection in Continuous Integration AIST Ricardo Miguel Martins , Rui Abreu Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, João Pedro Nunes Nadkarni | ||
14:30 20mPaper | AutoKG - An Automotive Domain Knowledge Graph for Software Testing: A position paper AIST |
14:50 - 15:00 | ClosingAIST at Muro Alto Chair(s): Alexandra Mendes HASLab/INESC TEC & Universidade da Beira Interior | ||
14:50 10mDay closing | Closing AIST |
15:00 - 15:45 | |||
15:00 45mTutorial | UPPAAL for Test Case Generation A-MOST Marius Mikucionis Aalborg University |
15:45 - 16:15 | |||
15:45 30mPaper | A Model-Based Test Script Generation Framework for Embedded Software A-MOST |
16:15 - 16:30 | |||
16:15 15mDay closing | Closing A-MOST |
Tue 13 AprDisplayed time zone: Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil change
09:00 - 09:15 | |||
09:00 15mDay opening | Intro & Welcome Research Papers |
09:15 - 10:15 | |||
09:15 30mPaper | COSMO: Code Coverage Made Easier for Android Testing Tools Track Andrea Romdhana , Mariano Ceccato University of Verona, Gabriel Georgiu , Alessio Merlo , Paolo Tonella USI Lugano, Switzerland | ||
09:45 30mPaper | Differential coverage: automating coverage analysis Testing Tools Track Henry Cox Mediatek |
09:15 - 10:15 | Testing Concurrent and Quantum SystemsResearch Papers at Porto de Galinhas Chair(s): Marcos Lordello Chaim | ||
09:15 30mPaper | Synthesizing Multi-threaded Tests from Sequential Traces to Detect Communication Deadlocks Research Papers | ||
09:45 30mPaper | Assessing the Effectiveness of Input and Output Coverage Criteria for Testing Quantum Programs Research Papers Shaukat Ali Simula Research Laboratory, Norway, Paolo Arcaini National Institute of Informatics
, Xinyi Wang , Tao Yue Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
10:45 - 12:00 | Keynote 1Research Papers at Porto de Galinhas Chair(s): Ana Paiva Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto | ||
10:45 75mKeynote | Keynote Talk - Fuzzing, symbolic execution, and synthesis for testing Research Papers |
13:00 - 14:30 | |||
13:00 30mDemonstration | Tool Demonstration: iv4XR Agent-based Testing Framework Tool Demos Track Wishnu Prasetya Utrecht University, Samira Shirzadehhajimahmood , Saba Gholizadeh Ansari Utrecht University DOI Media Attached | ||
13:30 30mDemonstration | Gamekins: Gamifying Software Testing in Jenkins Tool Demos Track | ||
14:00 30mDemonstration | StackFul: Inter-Process Concolic Testing for Full-stack Web Applications Tool Demos Track |
13:00 - 14:30 | |||
13:00 30mPaper | RiverFuzzRL - an open-source tool to experiment with reinforcement learning for fuzzing Testing Tools Track Ciprian Paduraru University of Bucharest, Miruna Gabriela Paduraru University of Bucharest
, Alin Stefanescu University of Bucharest | ||
13:30 30mPaper | ROBY: a Tool for Robustness Analysis of Neural Network Classifiers Testing Tools Track Paolo Arcaini National Institute of Informatics
, Andrea Bombarda University of Bergamo, Silvia Bonfanti University of Bergamo, Angelo Gargantini University of Bergamo Pre-print | ||
14:00 30mPaper | Uncertainty-Wizard: Fast and User-Friendly Neural Network Uncertainty Quantification Testing Tools Track Pre-print |
13:00 - 14:30 | Testing and LearningResearch Papers at Porto de Galinhas Chair(s): Andrea Stocco Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) | ||
13:00 30mPaper | Fail-Safe Execution of Deep Learning based Systems through Uncertainty Monitoring Research Papers Pre-print | ||
13:30 30mPaper | A Search-Based Testing Framework for Deep Neural Networks of Source Code Embedding Research Papers Pre-print | ||
14:00 30mPaper | Learning-Based Fuzzing of IoT Message Brokers Research Papers Bernhard Aichernig Graz University of Technology, Edi Muskardin , Andrea Pferscher Institute of Software Technology, Graz University of Technology Pre-print Media Attached File Attached |
15:00 - 16:30 | |||
15:00 30mPaper | Adaptive metamorphic testing with contextual bandits Journal-First Papers Link to publication DOI Pre-print | ||
15:30 30mPaper | Classifying generated white-box tests: an exploratory study Journal-First Papers Link to publication DOI File Attached | ||
16:00 30mPaper | Hansie: Hybrid and Consensus Regression Test Prioritization Journal-First Papers Link to publication DOI Media Attached File Attached |
15:00 - 16:30 | |||
15:00 30mPaper | Prut4j: Protocol Unit Testing fo(u)r Java Testing Tools Track Florian Joost Slob Open University of the Netherlands, Sung-Shik Jongmans Open University of the Netherlands | ||
15:30 30mPaper | PatrIoT: IoT Automated Interoperability and Integration Testing Framework Testing Tools Track Miroslav Bures Czech Technical University, Czechia, Bestoun S. Ahmed Karlstad University Sweden, Vaclav Rechtberger , Matej Klima , Michal Trnka , Miroslav Jaros , Xavier Bellekens , Dani Almog , Pavel Herout University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, CZ Link to publication Pre-print | ||
16:00 30mPaper | STILE: a Tool for Parallel Execution of E2E WebTest Scripts Testing Tools Track Dario Olianas , Maurizio Leotta DIBRIS, University of Genova, Italy, Filippo Ricca , Matteo Biagiola , Paolo Tonella USI Lugano, Switzerland |
15:00 - 16:30 | Models, Testing and VerificationResearch Papers at Porto de Galinhas Chair(s): Mike Papadakis University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg | ||
15:00 30mPaper | Modeling with Mocking Research Papers Jouke Stoel CWI, Jurgen Vinju CWI, Netherlands, Tijs van der Storm CWI & University of Groningen, Netherlands Pre-print | ||
15:30 30mPaper | Uncertainty-aware Exploration in Model-based Testing Research Papers Matteo Camilli Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Angelo Gargantini University of Bergamo, Patrizia Scandurra University of Bergamo, Italy, Catia Trubiani Gran Sasso Science Institute Pre-print | ||
16:00 30mPaper | Demystifying the Challenges of Formally Specifying API Properties for Runtime Verification Research Papers Leopoldo Teixeira Federal University of Pernambuco, Breno Miranda Federal University of Pernambuco, Henrique Rebelo Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Marcelo d'Amorim Federal University of Pernambuco Pre-print |
21:30 - 22:30 | |||
21:30 60mKeynote | Keynote Talk - Industry Best Practices for CI/CD Industry Track John Micco VMware File Attached |
22:30 - 00:00 | |||
22:30 30mPaper | Assisting Bug Report Assignment Using Automated Fault Localisation: An Industrial Case Study Industry Track Jeongju Sohn KAIST, South Korea, Gabin An KAIST, Jingun Hong SAP Labs, Dongwon Hwang SAP Labs, Shin Yoo Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | ||
23:00 30mPaper | Targeting Patterns of Driving Characteristics in Testing Autonomous Driving Systems Industry Track Paolo Arcaini National Institute of Informatics
, Xiao-Yi Zhang National Institute of Informatics, Japan, Fuyuki Ishikawa National Institute of Informatics | ||
23:30 30mPaper | How Does Fuzzing Techniques Perform in Real Industrial Settings? Industry Track Mingzhe Wang Tsinghua University, Jie Liang , Chijin Zhou , Yuanliang Chen , Zhiyong Wu Tsinghua University, China, Yu Jiang Tsinghua University |
Wed 14 AprDisplayed time zone: Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil change
09:15 - 10:45 | |||
09:15 30mPaper | Type-Centric Kotlin Compiler Fuzzing: Preserving Test Program Correctness by Preserving Types. Industry Track Daniil Stepanov , Marat Akhin Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University / JetBrains Research, Mikhail Belyaev Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University / JetBrains Research | ||
09:45 30mPaper | Automatically Checking Semantic Equivalence between Versions of Large-Scale C Projects. Industry Track | ||
10:15 30mPaper | A Failed attempt at creating Guidelines for Visual GUI Testingtesting: An industrial case study. Industry Track |
09:15 - 10:45 | Slicing and Static AnalysisResearch Papers at Porto de Galinhas Chair(s): Leopoldo Teixeira Federal University of Pernambuco | ||
09:15 30mPaper | Efficiently Finding Data Flow Subsumptions Research Papers Marcos Lordello Chaim , Kesina Baral , Jeff Offutt George Mason University, Mario Concilio Neto , Roberto Araujo | ||
09:45 30mPaper | MANDOLINE: Dynamic Slicing of Android Applications with Trace-Based Alias Analysis Research Papers Pre-print | ||
10:15 30mPaper | Address-Aware Query Caching for Symbolic Execution Research Papers Pre-print |
11:15 - 12:30 | Keynote 2Research Papers at Porto de Galinhas Chair(s): Fabiano Ferrari Federal University of São Carlos | ||
11:15 75mKeynote | Keynote Talk - Some challenges and pitfalls in engineering contemporary software systems under the plague of defects Research Papers |
12:30 - 13:00 | |||
12:30 10mAwards | Award Session Research Papers | ||
12:40 10mAwards | Assessing Oracle Quality with Checked Coverage Research Papers Link to publication DOI | ||
12:50 10mAwards | Experiences of System-Level Model-Based GUI Testing of an Android Application Research Papers Link to publication DOI |
14:00 - 15:45 | Posters IPosters Track at Boa Viagem Chair(s): Anna Rita Fasolino Federico II University of Naples, Sreedevi Sampath University of Maryland Baltimore County | ||
14:00 35mPoster | Fuzz Testing of Quantum Program Posters Track | ||
14:35 35mPoster | Repair Cross Browser Layout Issues by Combining Learning and Search-based Technique Posters Track Zhenyue Long , Guoquan Wu Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Yifei Zhang , Wei Chen Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Jun Wei State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences | ||
15:10 35mPoster | Testing Complex Event Patterns with Narrowing and Constraint Solving Posters Track |
14:00 - 16:00 | |||
14:00 30mPaper | Industrial-Scale Passive Testing with T-EARS. Industry Track Daniel Flemström , Henrik Jonsson , Eduard Paul Enoiu Mälardalen University, Wasif Afzal Mälardalen University | ||
14:30 30mPaper | Boosting Exploratory Testing of Industrial Automation Systems with AI. Industry Track | ||
15:00 30mPaper | Experiences from Large-Scale Model Checking: Verification of a Vehicle Control System. Industry Track Jonas Fritzsch University of Stuttgart, Institute of Software Engineering, Tobias Schmid , Stefan Wagner University of Stuttgart Pre-print | ||
15:30 30mPaper | Digital Twins Are Not Monozygotic - Comparing ADAS Testing in Two Industry-Grade Automotive Simulators. Industry Track Markus Borg RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Raja Ben Abdessalem , Shiva Nejati University of Ottawa, Canada / University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Francois-Xavier Jegeden , Donghwan Shin University of Luxembourg |
14:00 - 15:00 | |||
14:00 30mPaper | Self determination: A comprehensive strategy for making automated tests more effective and efficient Research Papers | ||
14:30 30mPaper | Artefact Relation Graphs for Unit Test Reuse Recommendation Research Papers Robert White University College London, UK, Jens Krinke University College London, Earl T. Barr University College London, UK, Federica Sarro University College London, Chaiyong Rakhitwetsagul Mahidol University, Thailand |
15:30 - 17:00 | Faults and Fault InjectionResearch Papers at Porto de Galinhas Chair(s): André T. Endo Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR) | ||
15:30 30mPaper | An Empirical Study of Flaky Tests in Python Research Papers Martin Gruber BMW Group, University of Passau, Stephan Lukasczyk University of Passau, Florian Kroiß , Gordon Fraser University of Passau Pre-print | ||
16:00 30mPaper | Fast Kernel Error Propagation Analysis in Virtualized Environments Research Papers | ||
16:30 30mPaper | Dissecting Strongly Subsuming Second-Order Mutants Research Papers João Paulo Diniz Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, Chu-Pan Wong Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Christian Kästner Carnegie Mellon University, Eduardo Figueiredo Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil |
16:30 - 17:30 | |||
16:30 30mPaper | Applicable Micropatches and Where to Find Them: Finding and Applying New Security Hot Fixes to Old Software. Industry Track | ||
17:00 30mPaper | Exploring the Triggering Modes of Spectrum-Based Fault Localization: An Industrial Case. Industry Track |
Thu 15 AprDisplayed time zone: Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil change
09:15 - 10:45 | Autonomous and Cyber-Physical SystemsResearch Papers at Porto de Galinhas Chair(s): Paolo Arcaini National Institute of Informatics | ||
09:15 30mPaper | IoTBox: Sandbox Mining to Prevent Interaction Threats in IoT Systems Research Papers | ||
09:45 30mPaper | Quality Metrics and Oracles for Autonomous Vehicles Testing Research Papers Gunel Jahangirova USI Lugano, Switzerland, Andrea Stocco Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Paolo Tonella USI Lugano, Switzerland Pre-print | ||
10:15 30mPaper | Anomaly Detection with Digital Twin in Cyber-Physical Systems Research Papers Xu Qinghua , Shaukat Ali Simula Research Laboratory, Norway, Tao Yue Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
11:15 - 12:30 | |||
11:15 75mTalk | Keynote Talk - Testing Machine Learning-Enabled Systems Research Papers |
13:00 - 14:00 | |||
13:00 60mMeeting | ICST Steering Committee meeting Research Papers |
14:00 - 15:00 | Program RepairResearch Papers at Porto de Galinhas Chair(s): Angelo Gargantini University of Bergamo | ||
14:00 30mPaper | Automatic Program Repair as Semantic Suggestions: An Empirical Study Research Papers Diogo Campos , André Restivo LIACC, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, Hugo Sereno Ferreira Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, Afonso Ramos Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto | ||
14:30 30mPaper | Exploring True Test Overfitting in Dynamic Automated Program Repair using Formal Methods Research Papers Amirfarhad Nilizadeh University of Central Florida, Gary T. Leavens University of Central Florida, Xuan-Bach D. Le Singapore Management University, Singapore, Corina S. Pasareanu Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley, NASA Ames Research Center, David Cok CEA, LIST, Software Safety and Security Laboratory |
15:30 - 16:30 | Journal First IIJournal-First Papers at Boa Viagem Chair(s): Augusto Sampaio Universidade Federal de Pernambuco | ||
15:30 30mPaper | Search‐based crash reproduction using behavioural model seeding Journal-First Papers Pouria Derakhshanfar Delft University of Technology, Xavier Devroey Delft University of Technology, Gilles Perrouin Université de Namur, Andy Zaidman Delft University of Technology, Arie van Deursen Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Link to publication DOI Media Attached | ||
16:00 30mPaper | A Federated Society of Bots for Smart Contract Testing Journal-First Papers Emanuele Viglianisi FBK, Mariano Ceccato University of Verona, Paolo Tonella USI Lugano, Switzerland |
15:30 - 17:00 | Empirical and User StudiesResearch Papers at Porto de Galinhas Chair(s): Michael Felderer University of Innsbruck | ||
15:30 30mPaper | A Large-scale Study on API Misuses in the Wild Research Papers Xia Li Kennesaw State University, Jiajun Jiang Tianjin University, China, Samuel Benton The University of Texas at Dallas, Yingfei Xiong Peking University, Lingming Zhang UIUC | ||
16:00 30mPaper | System and Software Testing in Automotive: an Empirical Study on Process Improvement Areas Research Papers | ||
16:30 30mPaper | Simulation for Robotics Test Automation: Developer Perspectives Research Papers Afsoon Afzal Carnegie Mellon University, Deborah S. Katz Carnegie Mellon University, Claire Le Goues Carnegie Mellon University, Christopher Steven Timperley Carnegie Mellon University |
Fri 16 AprDisplayed time zone: Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil change
09:00 - 09:10 | |||
09:00 10mTalk | Welcome and Introduction DevOps4CPS-Testing Sebastiano Panichella Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Aitor Arrieta University of Mondragon, Shaukat Ali Simula Research Laboratory, Norway |
09:00 - 09:15 | |||
09:00 15mDay opening | Welcome and Opening Message INTUITESTBEDS |
09:00 - 09:05 | |||
09:00 5mTalk | InSTA Opening InSTA |
09:00 - 09:10 | |||
09:00 10mTalk | Welcome to NEXTA NEXTA Sigrid Eldh , Sahar Tahvili Ericsson AB, Vahid Garousi Queen's University Belfast, Michael Felderer University of Innsbruck, Kristian Sandahl Linköping University |
09:05 - 09:25 | |||
09:05 20mPaper | A Tag-based Recommender System for Regression Test Case Prioritization InSTA |
09:10 - 09:50 | Challenges of testing cyber-physical systems along the DevOps processDevOps4CPS-Testing at Muro Alto | ||
09:10 40mKeynote | Challenges of testing cyber-physical systems along the DevOps process DevOps4CPS-Testing Andreas Ulrich Siemens AG |
09:10 - 09:35 | |||
09:10 25mKeynote | Active Machine Learning to Test Autonomous Driving NEXTA Karl Meinke The Royal Institute of Technology |
09:15 - 10:15 | KeynoteINTUITESTBEDS at Paiva Invited Keynote Dr. Mariano Ceccato University of Verona Security Testing of Android Apps Android facilitates apps interoperation and integration through inter-process communication mechanism, by allowing an app to request a task from another app that is installed on the same device. However, this interoperation mechanism poses security risks if an app does not implement it properly, such as permission re-delegation vulnerabilities, i.e., a form of privilege escalation where unprivileged malicious apps exploit vulnerable privileged apps to take privileged actions on the attacker behalf. Static analysis techniques as well as run-time protections have been proposed to detect permission re-delegation vulnerabilities. However, as acknowledged by their authors, most of these approaches are affected by many false positives because they do not discriminate between benign task requests and actual permission re-delegation vulnerabilities. In this keynote, we will present a recent approach aiming at filling this gap and at bridging static and dynamic analysis with security testing for precise detection of permission re-delegation vulnerabilities. Our approach first groups a large set of benign and non-vulnerable apps into different clusters, based on their similarities in terms of functional descriptions. It then generates permission re-delegation model for each cluster, which characterizes common permission re-delegation behaviors of the apps in the cluster. Given an app under test, our approach checks whether it has permission re-delegation behaviors that deviate from the model of the cluster it belongs to. If that is the case, it generates test cases to detect the vulnerabilities, that show how the vulnerabilities can be exploited. Empirical validation suggests that this security testing approach outperforms state-of-the-art in terms of vulnerability detection precision. | ||
09:15 60mKeynote | Security Testing of Android Apps INTUITESTBEDS Mariano Ceccato University of Verona |
09:25 - 09:45 | |||
09:25 20mPaper | Syntax-Tree Similarity for Test-Case Derivability in Software Requirements InSTA |
09:35 - 10:00 | AI-based Test Automation: A Grey Literature AnalysisNEXTA at Tamandaré Authors: Filippo Ricca, DIBRIS, Università di Genova, Italy; Alessandro Marchetto, Independent Researcher, Italy and Andrea Stocco, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Switzerland Abstract: This paper provides the results of a survey of the grey literature concerning the use of artificial intelligence to improve test automation practices. We surveyed more than 1,200 sources of grey literature (e.g., blogs, white-papers, user manuals, StackOverflow posts) looking for highlights by professionals on how AI is adopted to aid the development and evolution of test code. Ultimately, we filtered 136 relevant documents from which we extracted a taxonomy of problems that AI aims to tackle, along with a taxonomy of AI-enabled solutions to such problems. Manual code development and automated test generation are the most cited problem and solution, respectively. The paper concludes by distilling the six most prevalent tools on the market, along with think-aloud reflections about the current and future status of artificial intelligence for test automation. Session Chair: Michael Felderer | ||
09:35 25mPaper | AI-based Test Automation: A Grey Literature Analysis NEXTA Filippo Ricca Università di Genova |
09:45 - 10:05 | |||
09:45 20mPaper | Boosted Exploratory Test Architecture: Coaching Test Engineers with Word Similarity InSTA Yasuharu Nishi University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Yusuke Shibasaki University of Electro-Communications |
09:50 - 10:30 | Keynote TBADevOps4CPS-Testing at Muro Alto openCAESAR: a DevOps Platform for Systems Engineering by Maged Elaasar | ||
10:00 - 10:25 | Flaky Mutants; Another Concern for MutationTestingNEXTA at Tamandaré Authors: Sten Vercammen, Serge Demeyer, Markus Borg and Robbe Claessens Abstract: Mutation testing is the state-of-the-art technique for assessing the fault detection capability of a test suite. An underlying assumption, rarely mentioned, is that the system under test behaves completely deterministically. This is rarely the case, as each mutant changes the code, it is highly likely that some introduce non-determinism. We call these flaky mutants. As they are only detected intermittently, they cause unreliable mutation testing scores, waste developer time, possibly unfruitful tests, and potential loss in confidence in the mutation testing technique. We want to raise awareness of this issue as we found that these flaky mutants are easy to create and occur in real projects. We also share some thoughts on how to tackle this issue. Mutation testing is the state-of-the-art technique for assessing the fault detection capability of a test suite. An underlying assumption, rarely mentioned, is that the system under test behaves completely deterministically. This is rarely the case, as each mutant changes the code, it is highly likely that some introduce non-determinism. We call these flaky mutants. As they are only detected intermittently, they cause unreliable mutation testing scores, waste developer time, possibly unfruitful tests, and potential loss in confidence in the mutation testing technique. We want to raise awareness of this issue as we found that these flaky mutants are easy to create and occur in real projects. We also share some thoughts on how to tackle this issue. Session Chair: Kristian Sandahl | ||
10:00 25mKeynote | Flaky Mutants; Another Concern for MutationTesting NEXTA Sten Vercammen University of Antwerp, Belgium, Serge Demeyer University of Antwerp, Belgium, Markus Borg RISE Research Institutes of Sweden |
10:05 - 10:25 | |||
10:05 20mPaper | Multi-company Consumer Product Software Test Architecture Industry Experience Report InSTA Jon D. Hagar Grand Software Testing, LLC, Hot Sulphur Springs, CO |
10:25 - 10:30 | |||
10:25 5mTalk | InSTA Closing InSTA |
10:25 - 10:50 | Using Advanced Code Analysis for Boosting Unit Test CreationNEXTA at Tamandaré Authors: Miroslaw Zielinski, Parasoft Corporation, Poland and Rix Groenboom, Parasoft Corporation, Netherlands. Abstract: Unit testing is a popular testing technique, widespread in enterprise IT and embedded/safety-critical. For enterprise IT, unit testing is considered to be good practice and is frequently followed as an element of test-driven development. In the safety-critical world, there are many standards, such as ISO 26262, IEC 61508, and others, that either directly or indirectly mandate unit testing. Regardless the area of the application, unit testing is very time-consuming and teams are looking for strategies to optimize their efforts. This is especially true in the safety-critical space, where demonstration of test coverage is required for the certification. In this presentation, we share the results of our research regarding the use of advanced code analysis algorithms for augmenting the process of unit test creation. The discussion includes automatic discovery of inputs and responses from mocked components that maximize the code coverage and automated generation of the test cases. Session Chair: Kristian Sandahl | ||
10:25 25mPaper | Using Advanced Code Analysis for Boosting Unit Test Creation NEXTA |
10:30 - 11:00 | |||
10:30 30mPaper | Model-based Automated Testing of Mobile Applications: An Industrial Case Study INTUITESTBEDS Stefan Karlsson ABB AB, Mälardalen University Pre-print |
11:00 - 11:30 | Test Automation with Grad-CAM Heatmaps - A Future Standard Block in MLOps for Vision AI?DevOps4CPS-Testing at Muro Alto | ||
11:00 - 11:30 | |||
11:00 30mPaper | Improving Mobile User Interface Testing with Model Driven Monkey Search INTUITESTBEDS |
11:00 - 11:25 | QRTest: Automatic Query Reformulation for Information Retrieval Based Regression Test Case PrioritizationNEXTA at Tamandaré Author: Maral Azizi, East Carolina University, US. Abstract: The most effective regression testing algorithms have long running times and often require dynamic or static code analysis, making them unsuitable for the modern software development environment where the rate of software delivery could be less than a minute. More recently, some researchers have developed information retrieval-based (IR-based) techniques for prioritizing tests such that the higher similar tests to the code changes have a higher likelihood of finding bugs. A vast majority of these techniques are based on standard term similarity calculation, which can be imprecise. One reason for the low accuracy of these techniques is that the original query often is short, therefore, it does not return the relevant test cases. In such cases, the query needs reformulation. The current state of research lacks methods to increase the quality of the query in the regression testing domain. Our research aims at addressing this problem and we conjecture that enhancing the quality of the queries can improve the performance of IR-based regression test case prioritization (RTP). Our empirical evaluation with six open source programs shows that our approach improves the accuracy of IR-based RTP and increases regression fault detection rate, compared to the common prioritization techniques. Session Chair: Sahar Tahvili | ||
11:00 25mTalk | QRTest: Automatic Query Reformulation for Information Retrieval Based Regression Test Case Prioritization NEXTA |
11:25 - 11:50 | An Empirical Study of Parallelizing Test Execution Using CUDA Unified Memory and OpenMP GPU OffloadingNEXTA at Tamandaré Authors: Taghreed Bagies and Ali Jannesari, Lowa State University, US. Abstract: The execution of software testing is costly and time-consuming. To accelerate the test execution, researchers have applied several methods to run the testing in parallel. One method of parallelizing the test execution is by using a GPU to distribute test case inputs among several threads running in parallel. In this paper, we investigate three programming models CUDA Unified Memory, CUDA Non-Unified Memory, and OpenMP GPU offloading to parallelize the test execution and discuss the challenges using these programing models. We use eleven benchmarks and parallelize their test suites by using these models. We evaluate their performance in terms of execution time, analyze the results, and report the limitations of using these programming models. Session Chair: Vahid Garousi | ||
11:25 25mPaper | An Empirical Study of Parallelizing Test Execution Using CUDA Unified Memory and OpenMP GPU Offloading NEXTA Taghreed Bagies King Abdulaziz University |
11:30 - 12:30 | |||
11:30 - 11:50 | |||
11:30 20mPaper | A Metric Framework for the Gamification of Web and Mobile GUI Testing INTUITESTBEDS Riccardo Coppola Politecnico di Torino |
11:50 - 12:15 | |||
11:50 25mDay closing | Open Discussion and Closing INTUITESTBEDS |
11:50 - 12:20 | Advancing Test Automation Using Artificial Intelligence (AI)NEXTA at Tamandaré Keynote speaker: Jeremy S. Bradbury, PhD, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Associate Dean, School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Ontario Tech University. Abstract: In recent years, software testing automation has been enhanced through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques including genetic algorithms, machine learning and deep learning. The use cases for AI in test automation range from providing recommendations to the complete automation of software testing activities. To demonstrate the breadth of application, I will present several recent examples of how AI can be leveraged to support automated testing in rapid release cycles. Furthermore, I will discuss my own successes and failures in using AI to advance test automation as well as share the lesson I have learned. Session Chair: Sahar Tahvili | ||
11:50 30mKeynote | Advancing Test Automation Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) NEXTA Jeremy Bradbury Ontario Tech University |
12:00 - 13:30 | |||
12:00 30mTalk | Welcome to CCIW CCIW | ||
12:30 30mTalk | Code Quality Management System Through CI CCIW File Attached | ||
13:00 30mTalk | Continuous Build Monitoring System CCIW Shruti Honnungar VMware File Attached |
13:30 - 14:50 | |||
13:45 - 15:15 | |||
13:45 30mTalk | Flake-Aware Culprit Finding CCIW File Attached | ||
14:15 30mTalk | Reduce data transfer between execution nodes in a distributed task execution framework CCIW Angie Xiang SAP File Attached | ||
14:45 30mTalk | Cyberwarfare, Cyber Espionage, and the Need for Software Supply Chain Integrity CCIW Micki Boland Check Point Software Technologies File Attached |
14:50 - 15:00 | |||
15:30 - 16:00 | |||
15:30 30mTalk | Open Discussion CCIW |