ICST 2021
Mon 12 - Fri 16 April 2021
Omer Korkmaz

Registered user since Sun 28 Mar 2021

Name:Omer Korkmaz

Omer Korkmaz is a software engineer and researcher who received the BS and MS degrees in computer engineering and computer science from Altinbas University and Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, in 2018 and 2020, respectively. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Graz University of Technology. In his professional life, he previously worked at Ciceksepeti/Lolaflora, Mercedes-Benz, and Altınbaş Holding, and currently working @Farmazon in Software and R&D Engineer positions.

He likes doing research in the intersection areas of software engineering and testing by developing practical techniques and solving industrial problems under academic contributions by connecting the industry to the academy. In particular, his research interests include, but not limited to: software engineering, automated testing techniques (e.g., combinatorial testing, model-based and random testing), model discovery, test-case generation, and AI-based systems in testing.

Affiliation:Sabancı University
Research interests:Software Engineering, Automated Testing, Model-Based Testing, Combinatorial Testing, Testing AI Systems


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