ICST 2021
Mon 12 - Fri 16 April 2021

In addition to the tool track papers, ICST 2021 will also be accepting submissions of demonstrations of testing-related tools and prototypes.

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Tue 13 Apr

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09:00 - 09:15
Day opening
Intro & Welcome
Research Papers

13:00 - 14:30
Tool Demonstration: iv4XR Agent-based Testing Framework
Tool Demos Track
Wishnu Prasetya Utrecht University, Samira Shirzadehhajimahmood , Saba Gholizadeh Ansari Utrecht University
DOI Media Attached
Gamekins: Gamifying Software Testing in Jenkins
Tool Demos Track
Philipp Straubinger University of Passau, Gordon Fraser University of Passau
StackFul: Inter-Process Concolic Testing for Full-stack Web Applications
Tool Demos Track
Maarten Vandercammen Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Coen De Roover Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Call for Papers

The ICST 2021 Tool Demo Track is a place where the Software Testing community can show and discuss advances in Verification and Validation Research through running demos. The track will enable researchers and practitioners to demonstrate their tools to attendees in a highly-interactive manner.

The demonstrations should clearly communicate the following information to the audience:

  1. the envisioned users of the tool;
  2. the software engineering challenge the tool addresses;
  3. the testing process or testing technique implemented by the tool;
  4. the implied use case scenario for its users; and
  5. the results of validation studies already conducted, for mature tools, or the design of planned studies, for early prototypes.

Highlighting scientific contributions through concrete artifacts is an important supplement to the traditional ICST research papers. A demonstration provides the opportunity to communicate how the scientific approach has been implemented or how a specific hypothesis has been assessed, including details such as implementation and usage issues, data models and representations, APIs for tool and data access. Authors of regular research papers are thus also encouraged to submit an accompanying demonstration paper.


Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. The evaluation criteria include:

  1. the relevance of the tool to the ICST audience;
  2. the technical soundness of the tool;
  3. the originality of underlying ideas; and
  4. the quality of the presentation.

How to Submit

Submissions must contain:

  1. One page summary describing: (1) the main goals of the tool, (2) the main contributions of the tool, and (3) the capabilities and maturity of the tool.
  2. The summary should report the link to a webpage reporting instructions for downloading, installing, and using the tool.
  3. The summary should also report the link to a short video (between three and five minutes long) illustrating how the tool works. Videos should be made available online at the time of submission for aiding the review process. Videos should provide:
  • an overview of the tool’s capabilities and/or dataset characteristics;
  • a walk through (some of) the tool features and/or data analysis process;
  • a walk though the artifacts produced by the tools, if any, and
  • a voice-over and/or annotation highlights, where needed.

The submission of the one page summary must adhere to the IEEE template for conference proceedings. Templates for Latex and Word are available at http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html.

Authors of accepted papers will be asked to demonstrate the tool during the ICST 2021 conference.

Submissions are handled through the following ICST 2021 EasyChair link


The best tool demonstration will be awarded during the conference.

Important Dates.

  • Submission Deadline: 8 - Feb - 2021 (AoE)
  • Acceptance Notification: 14 - Feb - 2021(AoE)

Questions? Use the ICST Tool Demos Track contact form.