ICST 2021
Mon 12 - Fri 16 April 2021
Tue 13 Apr 2021 21:30 - 22:30 at Carneiros - Industry Best Practices for CI/CD

Industrial best practices for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuously Delivery (CD) are constantly evolving, and the state of the art is advancing quickly across the industry. In this talk I will discuss the best practices that have been implemented by many top software companies across the industry including Google, Netflix and VMWare where I have worked. I will discuss how these systems are being optimized to reduce human and machine resources required to qualify software releases and reduce the risk of latent defects.

John is a Cloud Transformation Architect at VMWare working on Continuous Integration / Delivery for VMWare’s flagship vSphere product line. He has more than 15 years of experience working on CI/CD systems at Mathworks, Google and Netflix. He has given several keynote addresses at industry and academic conferences on Software testing and software engineering. He is one of the organizers of the Google Journal Club - which does monthly reviews of Academic papers on Continuous Integration and software delivery.

Tue 13 Apr

Displayed time zone: Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil change

21:30 - 22:30
Industry Best Practices for CI/CDIndustry Track at Carneiros
Keynote Talk - Industry Best Practices for CI/CD
Industry Track
John Micco VMware
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