First International Workshop on DevOps Testing for Cyber-Physical Systems (DevOps4CPS-Testing)
Much of the increasing complexity of ICT systems is being driven by the more distributed and heterogeneous nature of these systems, with Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) accounting for an increasing portion of Software Ecosystems. Blending best practices DevOps solutions with the development processes used in the CPS to deliver software more rapidly and result in a more secure manner are emerging and critical open challenges of both contemporary and future CPS development. The core part of required solutions needs more advanced test automation and deployment strategies, which work efficiently and in an adaptive manner in different CPS domains, while addressing different CPS technical requirements. However, research in the field is in early stage for what concerns DevOps automation for CPSs, and simply running test cases in DevOps pipelines is still limited. Now testing and deployment automation needs to rise to the next level by going beyond mere test execution of “software systems”, for which Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) activities are not required as with CPS. Moreover, while software engineers, artificial intelligence (AI) engineers and data scientists are actively working on such issues, very few work have been done to address the most emerging challenges involving CPS, which requires the expertise of all these experts.
Call for Papers Link:
Call for Papers - Topics of Interest
DevOps4CPS-Testing solicits contributions targeting all aspects of DevOps and test automation to further contribute to software quality in the context of tomorrow’s CPS development and evolution. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
DevOps pipelines in the context of CPSs (including configuration steps)
CPSs testing
Monitoring techniques for CPSs
Cloud-based testing in the context of CPSs
Uncertainty testing and detection in CPSs
Run-time verification of CPSs
Model-based testing
Search-based testing
Paper Submission
We invite submission of papers of the following types:
Regular papers (8 pages, IEEE format): Full papers presenting research results or industrial practices related to DevOps in any of the areas of testing, debugging, and monitoring of CPS. Work with empirical focus are also welcome, as soon as they provide practical insights on the aforementioned topics.
Tool paper (4 pages, IEEE format): Tool papers introduce tools that implement an approach that directly impact the way DevOps and testing is being designed and performed in the context of CPSs. A tool paper submission must include either 1) a URL to a screencast of the tool in action, or 2) a runnable version of the tool for evaluation by the program committee.
Position and Experience Papers (2 pages, IEEE format): Short papers introducing challenges, visions, positions or preliminary results within the scope of the workshop. Experience reports and papers on open challenges in the industry are especially welcome.
Accepted Paper:
- Markus Borg, Ronald Jabangwe, Simon Åberg, Arvid Ekblom, Ludwig Hedlund and August Lidfeldt Title : Test Automation with Grad-CAM Heatmaps - A Future Standard Block in MLOps for Vision AI?
Wokshop program:
Given the intended format, we will organize a half-day workshop, as follow:
Welcome Opening and Introduction
Coffee Break
Paper Session
Panel & Open discussion (Keynote speakers, authors of paper, chairs, partners, etc.)
Lunch Break
Contact Info
- Sebastiano Panichella, Zurich University of Applied Science (ZHAW), Switzerland
- Aitor Arrieta, Mondragon University, Spain
- Shaukat Ali, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Organizing committee
- Aitor Agirre, Ikerlan, Spain
- Orlando Avila, Atos, Spain
- José Angel Galindo, University of Seville, Spain
- Alession Gambi, University of Passau, Austria
- Jabier Martinez, Tecnalia, Spain
- Annibale Panichella, Delft University of Technology
- Patrizio Pelliccione, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
- Vincencio Riccio, University of Lugano, Switzerland
- Goiuria Sagardui, University of Mondragon, Spain
- Sergio Segura, University of Seville, Spain
- Paolo Arcaini, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Leire Etxeberria, Mondragon Uniberstitatea, Spain
- Manuel Wimmer, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
- Anila Mjeda, Lero, Ireland
- Yu Zhou, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
- Benoit Combemale, University of Rennes 1 & Inria, France
- Fabrizio Pastore, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Workshop URL
Fri 16 AprDisplayed time zone: Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil change
09:00 - 09:10 | |||
09:00 10mTalk | Welcome and Introduction DevOps4CPS-Testing Sebastiano Panichella Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Aitor Arrieta University of Mondragon, Shaukat Ali Simula Research Laboratory, Norway |
09:10 - 09:50 | Challenges of testing cyber-physical systems along the DevOps processDevOps4CPS-Testing at Muro Alto | ||
09:10 40mKeynote | Challenges of testing cyber-physical systems along the DevOps process DevOps4CPS-Testing Andreas Ulrich Siemens AG |
09:50 - 10:30 | Keynote TBADevOps4CPS-Testing at Muro Alto openCAESAR: a DevOps Platform for Systems Engineering by Maged Elaasar | ||
11:00 - 11:30 | Test Automation with Grad-CAM Heatmaps - A Future Standard Block in MLOps for Vision AI?DevOps4CPS-Testing at Muro Alto | ||
11:30 - 12:30 | |||
13:30 - 14:50 | |||
14:50 - 15:00 | |||
Unscheduled Events
Not scheduled Paper | Test Automation with Grad-CAM Heatmaps - A Future Standard Block in MLOps for Vision AI? DevOps4CPS-Testing Markus Borg RISE Research Institutes of Sweden | ||
Not scheduled Talk | ADEPTNESS and COSMOS session DevOps4CPS-Testing | ||
Not scheduled Keynote | Keynote TBA DevOps4CPS-Testing Aitor Arrieta University of Mondragon | ||
Not scheduled Talk | Panel and Open Discussion DevOps4CPS-Testing | ||
Not scheduled Talk | Closing DevOps4CPS-Testing |
Accepted Papers
Title | |
ADEPTNESS and COSMOS session DevOps4CPS-Testing | |
Challenges of testing cyber-physical systems along the DevOps process DevOps4CPS-Testing | |
Closing DevOps4CPS-Testing | |
Keynote TBA DevOps4CPS-Testing | |
Panel and Open Discussion DevOps4CPS-Testing | |
Test Automation with Grad-CAM Heatmaps - A Future Standard Block in MLOps for Vision AI? DevOps4CPS-Testing | |
Welcome and Introduction DevOps4CPS-Testing |
Call for Papers
DevOps4CPS-Testing solicits contributions targeting all aspects of DevOps and test automation to further contribute to software quality in the context of tomorrow’s CPS development and evolution. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
DevOps pipelines in the context of CPSs (including configuration steps)
CPSs testing
Monitoring techniques for CPSs
Cloud-based testing in the context of CPSs
Uncertainty testing and detection in CPSs
Run-time verification of CPSs
Model-based testing
Search-based testing
Paper Submission
We invite submission of papers of the following types:
Regular papers (8 pages, IEEE format): Full papers presenting research results or industrial practices related to DevOps in any of the areas of testing, debugging, and monitoring of CPS. Work with empirical focus are also welcome, as soon as they provide practical insights on the aforementioned topics.
Tool paper (4 pages, IEEE format): Tool papers introduce tools that implement an approach that directly impact the way DevOps and testing is being designed and performed in the context of CPSs. A tool paper submission must include either 1) a URL to a screencast of the tool in action, or 2) a runnable version of the tool for evaluation by the program committee.
Position and Experience Papers (2 pages, IEEE format): Short papers introducing challenges, visions, positions or preliminary results within the scope of the workshop. Experience reports and papers on open challenges in the industry are especially welcome.
Workshop URL
Call for Papers Link:
Accepted Paper:
- Markus Borg, Ronald Jabangwe, Simon Åberg, Arvid Ekblom, Ludwig Hedlund and August Lidfeldt Title : Test Automation with Grad-CAM Heatmaps - A Future Standard Block in MLOps for Vision AI?
Wokshop program:
Given the intended format, we will organize a half-day workshop, as follow:
Welcome Opening and Introduction
Coffee Break
Paper Session
Panel & Open discussion (Keynote speakers, authors of paper, chairs, partners, etc.)
Lunch Break
Contact Info
- Sebastiano Panichella, Zurich University of Applied Science (ZHAW), Switzerland
- Aitor Arrieta,, Mondragon University, Spain
- Shaukat Ali, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Organizing committee
- Aitor Agirre, Ikerlan, Spain
- Orlando Avila, Atos, Spain
- José Angel Galindo, University of Seville, Spain
- Alession Gambi, University of Passau, Austria
- Jabier Martinez, Tecnalia, Spain
- Annibale Panichella, Delft University of Technology
- Patrizio Pelliccione, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
- Vincencio Riccio, University of Lugano, Switzerland
- Goiuria Sagardui, University of Mondragon, Spain
- Sergio Segura, University of Seville, Spain
- Paolo Arcaini, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Leire Etxeberria, Mondragon Uniberstitatea, Spain
- Manuel Wimmer, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
- Anila Mjeda, Lero, Ireland
- Yu Zhou, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
- Benoit Combemale, University of Rennes 1 & Inria, France
- Fabrizio Pastore, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg