Registered user since Wed 14 Oct 2020
Name:Pasqualina Potena
She is a Senior Researcher at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB. She works closely with large-scale and SMEs companies (from different domains). She received the graduation degree in computer science from the University of L’Aquila, Italy, and the Ph.D. degree in sciences from the University “G. D’Annunzio” Chieti e Pescara, Italy.
Her research interests include optimal decision frameworks and software quality (reliability, availability, performance, cost, …), software testing of large scale industrial software systems, optimization models, and Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE). She published several papers on international journals and conferences.
Affiliation:RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Personal website: https://www.ri.se/sv/pasqualina-potena
Research interests:Optimal Decision Frameworks, Software Quality (Reliability, Performance, etc), Search Based Software Engineerig
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